Pringles Napoli Cheese Pizza Flavor Review

Pringles Napoli Cheese Pizza Flavor is now on sale from Japan. The third popular passport flavor! I bought Napoli Cheese Pizza Flavor, so I will review it.
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Pringles Napoli Cheese Pizza Flavor Package

The surface package of Pringles Napoli Cheese Pizza Flavor has a green background and the Leaning Tower of Pisa is also drawn.
The package design on the side depicts pizza, potato chips and cheese. The title is also written as “PASS POT FLAVOUES”. Overall, I think the design is easy to find and stands out even if you line up on the display shelves in the snack food corner of the supermarket.
Impressions of eating

Open the lid of Pringles Napoli Cheese Pizza Flavor and eat. The moment I opened it, I felt a faint scent of cheese. The aroma of cheese is not strong, it is just right.
The color of the potato chips in Pringles Napoli Cheese Pizza Flavor was generally white, and the powder was lightly sprinkled. When I tried it, it had a moderate cheese taste, and the taste was modest and delicate, which was close to the taste of pizza.
It has a taste that doesn’t stop when you start eating one, and even if you eat two or three in layers, the taste is not rich, so you can eat it smoothly. It is a wonderfully delicate taste that is highly addictive.