Hayashi rice Food originating in Japan

Hayashi rice is a food that originated in Japan. It is a dish of sliced beef and onions boiled in domiglace sauce or tomato sauce and sprinkled on rice. It is a dish that is classified as a Western dish that has changed in Japan based on overseas dishes.
I will report on the situation of hayashi rice in Japan, which is also popular and often eaten in Japan.
I will report on the actual situation of hayashi rice in Japan.
Hayashi rice situation in Japan

In Japan, hayashi rice is often sold at Western restaurants that frequently use demiglace sauce and tomato sauce.There are various theories that hayashi rice originated in Japan, but I think it is true that hayashi rice was born from the Western food category. .Hayashi rice sauce “Hayashi sauce” is also used in addition to white rice
Omu Hayashi
Omurice rai is a food that originated in Japan, omelet rice with hayashi sauce. Omelet rice with hayashi sauce, which is popular among men and women of all ages in Japan, is often sold at omelet rice shops.
Article of Omelette Rice originated in Japan
Hayashi rice is popular for home cooking
Hayashi rice is popular in home cooking, the photo shows the retort hayashi rice sauce and the hayashi rice sauce roux. Hayashi rice made with roux with hayashi rice sauce is made in almost the same way as curry rice, with less ingredients than curry rice, and it takes less time to prepare.
Retort Hayashi rice sauce
- Curryya hayashi
- Curryya hayashi pack

curry ya Hayashi is a retort-packed hayashi rice sauce that is also popular in Japan. There are two cooking methods: hot water bath or microwave cooking. It depends on the price and the location of the supermarket, but you can buy it for 100 to 150 yen, the taste is delicious, and it is a wonderful retort hayashi rice sauce.