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Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal Matsuya

Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal Matsuya

Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal Matsuya
Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Salad Set Meal

Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal is a limited-time menu sold at Matsuya, a Japanese beef bowl restaurant, from December 29, 2020 to January 5, 2021 at 15:00. The official menu name is Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Salad. This is Set Meal. What is the size of the Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal sold at the end of 2020, a new menu survey by Matsuya, a specialty of this site?

Matsuya’s popular menu article


Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal

Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal
Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Salad Set Meal
Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal
The amount of meat is 3 times that of regular serving

The official name is Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Salad Set Meal, but since the name is long, it is abbreviated to Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal. The amount of beef in Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal is three times the amount of beef bowl. Matsuya fans are delighted and making noise that the legendary menu has been revived at Matsuya, where large servings of rice and special servings are free.

* The photo shows Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Tonjiru & Salad Set Meal

Wikipedia link to Tonjiru


Eat Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal

Eat Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal
Add pickled ginger and shichimi pepper to beef
Eat Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal
Sprinkle beef on white rice and eat

My favorite way to eat it is to add a lot of free pickled ginger and shichimi pepper to beef and eat it over rice. The taste is the same as Matsuya’s beef bowl, which I often eat, but it’s three times as much as normal, so it’s delicious. had

Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal Impressions

Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal Impressions
Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal Completed

Completed the Extra Large Size Beef Set Meal. The impression is definitely full. This menu is irresistible for those who love the taste of Matsuya’s beef bowl, and the price varies from store to store.

Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Salad Set Meal 750yen

Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Tonjiru & Salad Set Meal 850yen

Single item 550 yen

Premium beef bowl stores go up in price

Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Salad Set Meal 930yen

Extra Large Size Beef Plate & Tonjiru & Salad Set Meal 1030yen

Single item 730 yen

Matsuya’s new menu review has become a standard project on this site, but since it has not been so long since the previous article Chicken Fricassee set meal, the speed of introducing Matsuya’s new menu will be fast next year 2021 from Matsuya’s new menu Keep an eye on

This is an article about the previous new menu Chicken Fricassee set meal.


