Dragon Ball Character 【Japanese Characters】

Dragon Ball (ドラゴンボール) is a manga that originated in Japan. It has become popular in Japan and is now very popular all over the world. We will introduce it in Japanese characters, which is a popular character of Dragon Ball.
Son Goku Japanese characters

Son Goku (孫悟空) is the main character of Dragon Ball, a Saiyan warrior race born on the planet Vegeta, and his real name as a Saiyan is “Kakarot” (カカロット). He is basically called by this name by other purebred Saiyans.
He has an innocent personality and has become a Super Saiyan whose hair turns blonde in the film. In Japan, Son Goku is often written in katakana as (ゴクウ).
At that time, everyone imitated Kamehameha(かめはめ波), a technique that can be said to be synonymous with Son Goku.
Vegeta Japanese Characters

Vegeta (ベジータ) is the same Saiyan as the main character, Son Goku. He is the son and prince of King Vegeta on the planet Vegeta. He is a friend of Sun Wukong and has a rivalry, but he is one of the popular characters with a high pride and many fans.
When the Special Move appears, it gives the impression that it will change for each series, such as Garrick Cannon (ギャリック砲), Big Bang Attack (ビッグバンアタック), and Final Flash (ファイナルフラッシュ). Vegeta’s name is katakana in Japanese.
Piccolo Japanese Characters

Piccolo (ピッコロ) is a Planet Namek who lives on Planet Namek, and is one of the main characters who appeared from the beginning of the story, reaching out and practicing fighting in the childhood of Son Goku’s son Son Gohan.
Piccolo’s Special Move is written in Kanji in Makan kousappou (魔貫光殺砲) Japan. The name of Piccolo is Katakana.
Krillin Japanese Characters

Krillin(クリリン) is a character who has been training with Master Roshi since his childhood. It’s from the beginning of the story. He was a skinhead when he was a child, but he had hair when he was an adult. Krillin’s name is katakana in Japan.
Son Gohan Japanese Characters

Son Gohan (孫悟飯) is the son of the main character, Son Goku, who has shown a high level of fighting ability since he was a child to create a showcase for strong opponents. I still remember his success in the cell battle.
Son Gohan is written in kanji in Japan, but it is often written in katakana only by the name Gohan (ゴハン). His Special Move is Kamehameha, written in Masenkou (魔閃光) Kanji.
Broly Japanese Characters

Broly(ブロリー) is a legendary Super Saiyan who has not appeared in the main story, only appeared in the movie, but it is overwhelmingly popular because it is unrivaled even if it is bundled with Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, Piccolo, etc. It’s a pretty expensive character. Broly is written in katakana in Japan.
Gogeta Japanese Characters

Gogeta(ゴジータ) is called Gogeta because Son Goku and Vegeta can combine each other for 30 minutes to produce a fighting ability that is the sum of each other’s abilities, and Goku and Vegeta are united, Gogeta is Japan. Then it is written in Katakana.
Majin Buu Japanese Character

Majin Buu (魔人ブウ) is a popular enemy character, and he was an extremely strong enemy who eats his opponent as chocolate or candy, and absorbs his opponent with a piece of his body. The notation of Majin Buu in Japan is that Majin is in Kanji and Buu is in Katakana.
Trunks Japanese characters

Trunks(トランクス) is Vegeta’s son, and is a character with a unique appearance pattern, such as coming from the future to the Android edition. He thinks that trunks were popular when he had a sword in the Android edition. Trunks are written in katakana in Japan.
Master Roshi Japanese Characters

Master Roshi (亀仙人) In Japan, it is called Kame Sennin and is written in Kanji. He is also a master of Son Goku and a person who taught Kamehameha, and is very popular because of his messy characters.