Pringles mystery flavor

Pringles mystery flavor is a mysterious flavor developed for Japan. I bought it because it’s a title that I’m curious about. Review.
Pringles mystery flavor package I tried to convert comments written in Japanese to English.
A mysterious flavor developed for Japan!
This taste that everyone can enjoy,
What’s the taste? !
Comments are written on the package to inspire interest in what it tastes like
I will open it immediately.
Pringles mystery flavor Impressions

The impression of Pringles mystery flavor was that mystery flavo was covered with powder that looked like gray. It tasted like “bacon and pepper”. Speaking of delicious or unpleasant, it was delicious. The taste is normal and you can enjoy it even if you eat two layers, because the taste does not become too strong. I was able to confirm that Pringles mystery flavor is not a lost product.
My site GARA GARA PON .COM reviews various types of Pringles, and I will continue to review new Pringles flavors. Feel free to comment on Pringles sold around the world and any interesting Pringles flavors you’ve seen in your city.
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