Kawaii Japanese character introduction

Kawaii is a Japanese word that is as famous as Konnichiwa and Ohayo in the world, and is used when you feel that you should love in some way, such as the meaning of cuteness, sweetness, and taste. Kawaii and Kawaii are powered up. And derived words are introduced in hiragana, katakana, and kanji.

Kawaii is written in hiragana, “かわいい” Katakana is written in “カワイイ” kanji, and “可愛い” and “い” are written in hiragana. It’s a word, and I say it when I see cute children, cute animals, cute products, and so on.
Meccha Kawaii

For Meccha Kawaii, Meccha is written in hiragana and “めっちゃ” Kawaii is written in katakana this time. Kanji is also possible, and Meccha means “very” or “quite” in Japanese, which is also used in everyday conversation. Meccha Kawaii means “めっちゃカワイイ”, and some people abbreviate Meccha Kawaii to Meccha Kawa (めっちゃカワ), Mecha Kawa (めちゃカワ) Mekkawa (めっカワ).
Geki Kawaii

GeKi kawaii’s Geki is a kanji that is written as “激”, which means “Fierce”, etc. Geki Kawaii means “激カワイイ”. Kawaii has almost the same meaning as Meccha Kawaii, and the wording is different for each person. Geki Kawaii is abbreviated as Geki Kawa (激カワ).
Cho Kawaii

Cho Kawaii (超カワイイ)writes Cho as “超” in Chinese characters, Cho means super and super Kawaii means Kawaii, it is used in the same way as Meccha Kawaii and Geki Kawa, Cho Kawaii is omitted. It is called Cho Kawa (超カワ).
Kirei Kawaii

Kirei Kawaii writes Kirei in kanji (綺麗), the meaning is beautiful, it seems like the best compliment with beautiful and cute, I abbreviate it as “Kire Kawa”katakana:(キレカワ)hiragana:(きれかわ), I have the impression that there are many katakana in the writing style.

Kawayusu(カワユス) is a word that means Kawaii, which was said by Japanese TV personality Shoko Nakagawa. It is often written in katakana, which was often said in Japan a few years ago.

Kyawatan(hiragana:きゃわたん)(katakana:キャワタン) is a coined word that adds “Tan”, which is used as a nickname for a person, to Kyawawa, which means cute. It was mainly used by high school girls. I don’t hear much in Japan in recent years, but a few years ago it was often said.
Kawaii wa Seigi

Kawaii wa Seigi (可愛いは正義) Seigi means (正義) justice in Kanji, means “cute is justice” in English, the origin is a catch phrase of the Japanese manga “Ichigo Masimaro”. On the obi of the first volume, it was written that “かわいいは正義” and big deca. It became a boom, and it became a word that is often heard in Japan as well, mainly on Kawaii.
Kawaii wa Tsukureru

kawaii wa tsukureru is (可愛いは作れる) Tukureru is often written in (作れる) (つくれる) hiragana or kanji, meaning “cute can be made”, in recent years in Japan, the subject of makeup in women’s magazines It is a word written in or posted with a hashtag on SNS etc. with the title of women’s beauty.
This time, I wrote an article about Kawaii in Japanese, which has spread all over the world, but I would like to continue to introduce various Japanese writing styles and meanings.
An article about popular Japanese place names in hiragana