Ise Shrine Geku Mie

Ise Shrine (Ise Jingu) is the most famous shrine in Japan in Mie prefecture. It is divided into Naiku and Geku, but I would like to introduce Ise Jingu Geku.
At Ise Shrine, the distance between the inner shrine and the outer shrine is about 4 km, and many people visit only the inner shrine, but formal worship is said to be correct after first visiting the outer shrine.
Ise Shrine Geku Toyouke Omikami

The deity of the outer shrine of Ise Shrine is Toyouke Omikami. Toyouke Omikami is the guardian deity of the industry that gives the blessings of food, clothing and shelter.
I will quote the information about Ise Shrine written in Japanese in English.
Wikipedia link to Toyouke Omikami
Toyouke Omikami is the guardian deity of the industry that gives the blessings of food, clothing and shelter, including rice. We welcomed Amaterasu Omikami from Tanba Province (currently northern Kyoto) to the reign of Emperor Yuryaku about 1500 years ago as the deity of the city. I did. At the Gyoden in Migakiuchi, it has been held twice every morning and evening since the enshrined Shinsen at Amaterasu Omikami.
Ise Shrine Geku Worship Road

The worship road of Ise Shrine Geku There are many trees and it really looks like a forest. Many large shrines in Japan have many trees on the worship road, but the outer shrine of Ise Shrine also has many trees like a forest.
Ise Shrine Geku Shogu

The place where Toyouke Omikami is enshrined is Shogu. The day I visited was December 2020, but there were many worshipers. Please note that Shogu cannot take pictures inside the torii gate.
Ise Shrine Geku Betsugu Takanomiya

Tagamiya is ranked first among the four Betsugu shrines that belong to the outer shrine. The scale of the shrine is also larger than other annexes, and is the second largest after the main shrine. The deity is the outline of Toyouke Omikami. While the gentle work of God’s soul is called “Nigimitama,” the work of the soul, which expresses a violent and exceptionally remarkable divine power, is called “Aramitam”
“Aramita” was introduced in the previous article Atsuta Shrine.
This is an article about Atsuta Shrine
Betsugu Tsuchinomiya

Tsuchinomiya enshrines “Otsuchi mioyanoKami” who has a great reputation for flood control.
Betsugu Kazenomiya

The deities are “Shinatsuhiko Mikoto” and “Shinatsuhiko Mikoto”, which control the wind and rain. Since rain and wind have a great influence on agricultural products, they have been politely enshrined in the Jingu since ancient times.
Ise Shrine Geku to Naiku

When you finish visiting Geku at Ise Shrine and head for Niku, there is a bus to Niku. We recommend it as it operates from time to time.
Geku at Ise Shrine was fantastic because the structure of the worship hall was wood-grained and there were many trees. We recommend that you visit Geku as well, not just Naiku, to visit Ise Shrine.
It is an article of Ise Shrine Niaiku